Rebecca Gamble would like to invite you, and friends to: ‘fancy a skype chat?’; an online social event on Sunday 25th March 2007, 6pm – Midnight.
This is the first event in a series, for the project ‘An Event for a Conversation’, which celebrates social networking, and explores the social and technological methods we use to communicate.
‘fancy a skype chat?’ explores the online communication method of Skyping; by specifying a time and virtual space for a social event, it hopes to encourage dialogue between people, and connections between places. The conversations and those you share them with are not prescribed, to participate, you are simply asked to:
Download: Skype
Bring your own: drinks
Plug in: Your speakers, microphone and webcam
Log on: to Skype anytime between 6pm and Midnight, on Sunday 25th March 2007
And start chatting…
The artist hopes to re-create the pub-like environment of informal chat around a table over a drink, in to this virtual environment, by inviting people to ‘bring their own’, ‘log on’ and start chatting over Skype.
This event will be documented by the participants, through text sent to the artist and through screen grab images of desktops.
The conversations themselves will not be recorded.
For more information on how to participate, what Skype is and how to use it, and for more details about this event, please click 'Home' and read the blogs below.